Watch: Police officer writes chief deputy a speeding ticket

Chief Deputy Michael Yarbrough Was Stopped For 96 MPH In A 35 MPH Zone

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An officer on patrol in Georgia got a big surprise when he pulled over a Dodge Charger going 96 mph in a 35 mph zone.

The Henry County officer walked up to the car and immediately recognized the Henry County Sheriff Chief Deputy Michael Yarbrough, who was on duty at the time.

Dash camera footage shows the officer making a call to another person for guidance. “Guess who I just pulled over?” the officer is heard saying.

“Who?” the person replied. “Yarbrough.” The officer asked if he should write him a ticket. “It’s your traffic stop, do what you think you should do. I’m not telling you one way or another,” the person said. “I don’t care for him, so I’m going to write his [explicit].”


After handing Chief Deputy Yarbrough a citation, the officer says “Please slow down and have a safe day.”

The citation reportedly instructed Yarbrough to appear in court.

Henry County Sheriff Reginald Scandrett told local media that, “Chief Deputy (Yarbrough) reported to me immediately after the traffic stop occurred that he was issued a citation for speeding. Any questions related to the citation itself should be directed to the Henry County Police Department. After reviewing the facts of the incident, I suspended the Chief Deputy for 40 hours without pay for the severity of the traffic citation.”

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